DIFF has announced the complete line-up of its Arabian Nights programme with seven more film titles.

DIFF has announced the complete line-up of its Arabian Nights programme with seven more film titles. The category has long been one the festivals most prominent strands as it captures the fundamentals of DIFF, providing an international platform to share stories which originate from and focus on the region.
The first film is from Dutch filmmaker Alex Pitstra, with an investigation into his own Tunisian roots in Bezness As Usual.
Egyptian director Kamla Abou Zekrys latest film A Day For Women starring Elham Shaheen, Nelly Karim and Mahmoud Hemida is a reflection on community, co-existence and freedom.
Tunisian director Kaouther Ben Hania returns to DIFF with Zaineb Hates the Snow following the screening of her debut feature Challat of Tunis at the Festival in 2013. Featuring Zaineb Khelifi, Wided Khelifi, Wijdene Hamdi, Maher Hamdi and Haythem Khelifi, the film is a beautiful and poignant coming-of-age documentary told through the eyes of 9-year-old Zaineb and told over a time period of 6 years Zaineb. Following the death of her father, Zainebs mother is moving the family from Tunisia to Canada to rebuild a life with her new partner. Unsettled with changing family life, the young, charismatic Zaineb has come to a predetermined decision to hate the snow she will finally get to experience once arriving in the new country.
Egyptian director Yousry Nasrallah connects to his heritage through the charming comedy Brooks, Meadows and Lovely Faces featuring Laila Eloui, Menna Shalabi and Bassem Samra. The audience is taken on a faraway journey to the small Egyptian village of Belqas where a family of caterers are dealing with sibling rivalry, romantic entanglements and culinary ambitions whilst hectically preparing for a wedding feast.
DIFF welcomes back widely recognised Lebanese film director Philippe Aractingi whose film Under The Bombs screened at the Festival in 2007, winning the Gold Muhr Award, and is also known for his documentary Heritages (2014). This year, the widely recognised director returns with newest creation and world premiere Listen starring Hadi Abou Ayash, Ruba Zaarour and Yara Bou Nassar.
Algerian director Rachida Brakni brings a tense tale to DIFFs audiences with Visiting Hours starring Zita Hanrot, Samira Brahmia, Fabienne Babe and Sacha Bourdo.
The final film rounding off the Arabian Nights category is from Dutch director Mijke De Jong, who brings Layla M. to DIFF, starring Nora El Koussour and Ilias Addab. The story follows eighteen-year-old Layla, who was born and raised in Amsterdam, is smart, stubborn and of Moroccan origin.
DIFFs Artistic Director, Masoud Amralla Al Ali commented on the programme: This years Arabian Nights line-up showcases another stellar selection of insightful films created by regional filmmakers who have been inspired by life in the ever-evolving Middle East. This category provides a fundamental opportunity to share perspectives, experiences and culturally-enriching stories with audiences from all across the globe, supporting the growth of both regional cinema and Arab talent.
Delphine Garde-Mroueh, Arabian Nights programmer added: DIFFs Arabian Nights category is a key part of the Festivals celebration of Arab cinema. It brings me great delight to host a programme which showcases such a unique selection of innovative films which focus on the region. Offering fresh perspectives, this years group of talented filmmakers confront the pressing issues which todays Arab world is facing, helping to unite cultures through compelling storytelling.