Originally titled 'Arak', the series is produced by Most Production and set for its debut on Show TV in Turkey.
Eccho Rights has acquired the international distribution rights for the Turkish drama Kara (Arak), produced by Most Production. The series is set to make its debut on December 21 on Show TV in Turkey.
Kara unfolds the tale of a young thief named Kara, hailing from the slums of Istanbul. Driven by a quest for truth and revenge, Kara infiltrates the life of Zeynep, whose family he once targeted. The narrative takes viewers on a tumultuous journey where love and vengeance intersect, revealing the complexities of the characters’ lives.
Starring İlker Kaleli and Öykü Karayel, Kara promises a compelling storyline.
Handan Özkubat, director of Turkish Drama at Eccho Rights, said: “We’re delighted to reveal the latest fascinating addition to our catalogue, Kara, and to be partnering with Most Production once again. Kara portrays the journey of its characters through love’s highs and revenge’s lows, while facing the harsh truths and the relentless dilemmas of life, and navigating its many obstacles; by embodying the richness of Turkish storytelling at its finest. Everything from the storytelling, to the direction and the cast leads Kara to be an international hit, and we are happy to bring such a compelling story to the global stage.”