Contestants aged 16 to 30 are invited to submit films produced in 2024 that explore a range of societal, environmental, and heritage-related topics.
The management of the Alexandria Mediterranean Film Festival, led by film critic El-Amir Abaza, has unveiled details of the second edition of the Egyptian Youth Film Competition. Coinciding with the festival’s 40th edition, the competition will take place from October 1 to 5, 2024.
Themed ‘Our Ideas Are Different and Cinema Brings Us Together,’ this year’s event is curated by film critic Emad Yousry, according to the report by Scene Now.
The Egyptian Youth Film Competition aims to foster interaction and dialogue among young filmmakers from various Egyptian governorates. Recognising young talents as the future of the film industry, the competition is divided into sections including ‘cinema of life,’ cinema on Egypt’s rich heritage, and entrepreneurship cinema.
Contestants, aged 16 to 30, are invited to submit films produced in 2024 that explore societal, environmental, and heritage-related topics. Films must be exclusive to the competition and adhere to a maximum duration of 30 minutes.
Participation is open to a broad range of individuals and entities, including university and film institute students, school students aged 16 and above, independent filmmakers, youth centres, and various Egyptian institutions and organisations.
Selected filmmakers will have the opportunity to showcase their work at the Alexandria Mediterranean Film Festival, providing a platform for emerging talents to shine.