Daddy ABC, a short film animation receiving increasing worldwide acclaim, is to be screened at Abu Dhabi Film Festival (ADFF) as part of the Emirates Film Competition. The film has now been nominated at festivals in eight countries and has received two awards. The charming six-minute comedy about an Emirati father and his trials with […]
Daddy ABC, a short film animation receiving increasing worldwide acclaim, is to be screened at Abu Dhabi Film Festival (ADFF) as part of the Emirates Film Competition. The film has now been nominated at festivals in eight countries and has received two awards. The charming six-minute comedy about an Emirati father and his trials with a new baby, is the product of Emirati Director Hamad Al Awar who was given the opportunity to turn his script into a film by the Abu Dhabi Film Commission (ADFC).
Daddy ABC was produced by UAE production house Blink Studios and supported by twofour54 ibtikar. twofour54 intaj handled the audio production.
The short film is an exaggerated rendition of the comedic situations an Emirati husband faces when his wife decides to leave their new-born child at home in his care. It is one of the first animated shorts from the UAE to tackle local subject-matter using animation and audio to bring out the comedy instead of dialogue. In making the film, Blink Studios applied a simple art direction style for the characters with a distinctive 3D animation treatment.
Khalid Khouri, Head of ibtikar commercial, twofour54, said:
Its fantastic to see yet another home-grown and award-winning production from Blink Studios. For twofour54, with its vision to build the media and entertainment industries in the region, Daddy ABC is a wonderful example of the coming together of the Abu Dhabi Film Commission, twofour54, its partners and local talent to produce world-class Arab content. For everyone else, Daddy ABC is simply great fun and definitely worth watching.