Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, screenings will be restricted to viewers in Brazil who will have to register their contact details to secure online access to the films.
Nine films distributed by MAD Solutions are screening virtually this year at the second edition of Mostra de Cinema Egípcio Contemporâneo, which started on July 29 in Brazil and will continue until August 23. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the screenings will be held online exclusively for people living in Brazil, who will have to register their IDs, phone numbers, and cities to secure access to the films within Brazil.
The films are Between Two Seas by Anas Tolba, Egyptian Jeanne d’Arc by Iman Kamel, The Gate of Departure by Karim Hanafy, Les Petits Chats by Sherif Nakhla, I Have A Picture by Mohamed Zedan, Kiss Me Not by Ahmed Amer, Like a Matchstick (Zay Ood El Kabreet) by Hussein El Imam, Chaos, Disorder (Harag W’ Marag) by Nadine Khan, and The Giraffe by Ahmed Magdy. The event will also screen other Egyptian films, including Sheikh Jackson, Blue Elephant: Dark Whispers, Out of the Ordinary, Villa 69, Décor, and Coming Forth by Day.
Mostra de Cinema Egípcio Contemporâneo is a programme dedicated to screening Egyptian films at movie theaters run by the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB). It is sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism in Brazil.