The official launch of the first Indian HD Bollywood entertainment channel in the UAE was announced today. The launch of the new channel titled UTV Stars was announced by Etisalat in collaboration with UTV, a South Asian media and entertainment conglomerate. Etisalat is the first operator in the region to offer UTV Stars to its […]
The official launch of the first Indian HD Bollywood entertainment channel in the UAE was announced today.
The launch of the new channel titled UTV Stars was announced by Etisalat in collaboration with UTV, a South Asian media and entertainment conglomerate.
Etisalat is the first operator in the region to offer UTV Stars to its customers in the UAE, as a part of the eLife TV Basic Asian choice package. Etisalat already showcases UTV Bindass and UTV Movies, two other channels from UTV in the region.
UTV Stars will be the first Indian TV channel to be simultaneously launched in India as well the UAE.