The show 'A Superbly Scientific Podcast' is available on various streaming platforms including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
YouTube channel Egychology by Ahmed Samir has partnered with regional podcast network Kerning Cultures to launch A Superbly Scientific Podcast.
Created in 2015, the educational series has amassed more than 1m subscribers and explores the world through the lens of scientists, philosophers, and artists covering topics ranging from physics and chemistry to sociology and psychology.
Speaking about his channel’s philosophy, Samir said: “The world, with its many challenges and obstacles, can sometimes be a very dark place. In an attempt to make it a little better, I feel a responsibility to try and be a light in that darkness. That philosophy combined with my love for teaching came together to make Egychology the youtube channel it is today.”
Since its inception, Samir has been named the 77th most influential person in the MENA region (2018), given TedX talks, and attended the World Government Summit as a youth representative.
The show aims to explore questions that puzzle and intrigue, and that keep Samir awake at night. From questioning the existence of aliens to pondering the existentialism of the human race, the series intends to both entertain and educate.
Episodes drop every Tuesday, ranging from 10-15 minutes. It is available on various streaming platforms including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.