Roadcast, a Cairo-based startup content creation company has equipped a total of 85 Uber and Careem cars with tablets that feature pre-loaded content including web-based series.

Roadcast a Cairo-based startup content creation company has equipped a total of 85 Uber and Careem cars with Roadcasts tablets with pre-loaded content including web-based series. The creators and founders of Roadcast, CEO Mohamed Rateb and Sherief Hassan and Omar Badran are, as per reporting in the Egyptian press including Digital Boom, are currently in their pilot phase.
Roadcast provides 10-inch interactive touch screens (tablets) that allow Uber passengers to navigate between a selection of immersive video games, web series, articles, cooking shows, and more. There are colouring books and other content especially for children. Egyptian company SICO is providing the tablets and the main software for the devices has been produced by Bright Creations, another Egyptian firm.
With brands such as Unilever and Pepsico running ads on Roadcast tablets, the founders were reportedly confident the initiative would be popular considering that an average commute in Egypt routinely takes 32 minutes or more to get from point A to point B, higher than the average of 10 to 17 minutes in the USA.
Regarding content creation moving forward, the heads of Roadcast are looking into the development of shorter snackable content in addition to longer articles and videos. One of the findings of their initial research was that there was a need for childrens content.