The SFP-209-25G-H platform is designed to serve a wide range of broadcast and professional media SDI to IP transition projects.
Plura Broadcast, a global manufacturer of high-performance digital broadcast and video production solutions, will unveil the new SFP-209-25G-H portable monitor, supporting IP 2110 at CABSAT 2022.
The company claims that the SFP-209-25G-H is “the industry’s first true -IP 25GbE broadcast & media portable monitor solution” that supports uncompressed UHD based on SMPTE ST 2110 & ST 2022-7 and supports up to 4096 x 2160 resolutions.
The flexibility and robustness of the SFP-209-25G-H platform is designed to serve a wide range of broadcast and professional media SDI to IP transition projects. The SFP-25G platform is a powerful hybrid solution supporting SFP+ / SFP28 10G / 25G (ST 2110, ST 2022-7), 12G, 3G & 1.5G & HDMI 2.0 connectivity.
The monitor provides comprehensive interoperability i.e. NMOS, JT-NM and Ember+, capabilities with a wide range of prominent third-party IP-UHD-FHD ready media solutions, providing customers with the adaptability to utilise Plura IP solutions with a variety of technology suppliers for a seamless end-to-end production workflow.
The SFP-25G and SFP-25G-H series features 2x 10/25 GbE SFP+/SFP28 complying with SMPTE ST 2022-7, seamless protection switching providing data loss and redundancy protection for critical distribution and monitoring applications “hitless switching”. These also offer HDR Display capabilities supporting PQ (ST-2084) & HLG standards and is available in multiple sizes starting from 17 all the way to 86.
Speaking about the product, Ray Kalo, President of Plura, said: “As a continuation to our IP 2110 development intuitive, Plura is glad to introduce the new and industry’s first TRUE-IP portable monitor with ST-2110, ST-2022-7 and NMOS support. Many customers have requested such solution and our team has delivered their wishes.
“Plura is committed to the IP 2110 & 2022-7 long term planning. We will not stop here and will continue to evolve our solutions to suit any studio or mobile IP and/or Coaxial production workflow, and equally keeping the affordability factor in our agenda.”
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