The reality show revolves around 16 aspiring university students who compete in a series of business challenges to win an opportunity to intern with ME corporates.
IndiaCast has launched CheckMate The Hunt for the Smartest Young Executive in the Middle East, on its flagship channel – Colors TV. The reality show revolves around 16 aspiring university students who compete in a series of business challenges to win an opportunity to intern with corporates in the Middle East. The 14-episode television show will be hosted by radio presenters from City 1016 Malavika and Parikshit. It will premiere in the UAE on 18 February 2017 at 9:00pm UAE. The three finalists get an opportunity to intern with Rak Bank, and Colors TV.
Speaking about the show, Sachin Gokhale, Business Head- Middle East & Africa+ Head of Operations and Strategic Planning, International Business at IndiaCast said, Checkmate 2.0 is another of our continued endeavors to produce local content relevant to our audiences, give our viewers opportunities to showcase their talent, potential and be recognised in their communities.
Also read: Sachin Gokhale joins MENA CEOs at the BroadcastPro ME summit
“The show is specifically aimed at our young audiences who are currently at a very important phase of their lives, evolving from being students to responsible professionals. The show aims to find the smartest young talent and offering them a great launch pad to be able to start their career with one of the most reputed employers.