Telestream, a provider of file-based media workflow orchestration, media streaming and delivery technologies, will use CABSAT 2018 to showcase end-to-end streaming and monitoring solutions, including strategic advances in video preparation and packaging.
Telestream, a provider of file-based media workflow orchestration, media streaming and delivery technologies, will use CABSAT 2018 to showcase end-to-end streaming and monitoring solutions, including strategic advances in video preparation and packaging.
In its first CABSAT since acquiring IneoQuest, a provider of video quality monitoring and analytics solutions for content distribution across managed and unmanaged networks, Telestream will demonstrate how the IneoQuest iQ product line extends Telestream media production and distribution from the point of content ingest right up to the point of consumption on traditional and mobile devices.
This year, Telestream will spotlight new developments in high-end enterprise-scale streaming solutions. These include enhancements to its Lightspeed Live Stream and Lightspeed Live Capture and iQ End-to-End monitoring solutions, which all together enable Telestream customers to stream any content to any audience at any level of resolution, with assurance that it is meeting the highest quality standards.
Video streaming both live and on-demand is an increasingly important component of broadcast operations worldwide. The MENA region plays host to many progressive broadcasters and media service providers, so CABSAT provides us with a fantastic opportunity to engage with this important audience, commented Scott Murray, VP of Marketing at Telestream.V
Visit Telestream at CABSAT 2018 at Stand # Z5 112