Thales wins Europe’s EGNOS maintenance contract
Thales Alenia Space will provide operational support and servicing in case of incidents to deliver optimal 24/7 support for EGNOS.
Thales Alenia Space will provide operational support and servicing in case of incidents to deliver optimal 24/7 support for EGNOS.
Hotbird 13G satellite is designed to provide up to 1,000 television channels, including high-definition television broadcasts of 4K video, to over 160m households across MENA and Europe.
It has also just reached a new milestone in the Galileo programme with the integration of a new satellite into Galileos Ground Mission Segment.
Thales will offer a new generation NLES prototype to support new services like EGNOS data authentication or Integrity for High Accuracy Service.
These contracts, fully financed under the European Commission H2020 programme, concern study phases on the system evolution.
EUTELSAT 5 West B is hosting the Eutelsat-procured EGNOS payload under a 15-year agreement signed in 2017 with the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency (GSA).
EUTELSAT 5 West B will serve video markets in Europe and North Africa, it will replace the EUTELSAT 5 West A satellite.