Gilat Satellite Networks to buy Stellar Blu Solutions
Gilat expects its annual revenues from Stellar Blu to be between $100m and $150m beginning in 2025, driven by Stellar Blus robust backlog.
Gilat expects its annual revenues from Stellar Blu to be between $100m and $150m beginning in 2025, driven by Stellar Blus robust backlog.
The Ka-band platform will combine the GEO and MEO satellite networks of SES, including NEO Space Group, AeroSat Link and Hughes Communications India.
Intelsats multi-orbit service will be available for factory and retrofit-installed inflight connectivity systems.
The agreement marks an expansion of the long-standing partnership between the Emirates and Inmarsat.
Ka-band transceivers from Gilat's Wavestream subsidiary will support in-flight connectivity.
SwiftJet has used advanced hardware from Inmarsats partner Honeywell, which can be equipped on a broad range of aircraft and also supports cockpit and safety services.
Nelco will provide these services using Intelsats IS-33e high throughput satellite, which provides C and Ku-band connectivity to parts of Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
This partnership comes after Intelsat announced a new IFC solution in June, with a new multi-orbit capable, electronically steered array terminal to offer increased flexibility to its airline customers.
OneFi brings a host of inflight services together within a single portal interface, providing a commercial opportunity for airlines to attract ancillary revenues.
While the aviation industry has been badly hit by the Covid pandemic, the vaccination roll-out that has been kicked off by many countries around the world gives us some hope ...
Neale Faulkner, Regional VP at Inmarsat Aviation, talks about GX5 satellite launch, emerging consumer trends and the future of inflight connectivity.
Who is the new inflight customer, and what is the key to tapping into the $33bn opportunity in this space? Is the inflight customer the traditional business person looking to ...
The deal will enable Panasonic to provide multiple gigahertz of extreme throughput (XTS Ku-band connectivity to airlines across Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
The latest NSR report suggests that the Inflight connectivity industry is bouncing back from last year?s lagging performance. The report expects the revenue growth to happen at a faster pace ...
In-flight entertainment and connectivity revenues are slated to double from 2018, exceeding $8.4 billion by 2023.A new study from Juniper Research found that increasing adoption of in-flight entertainment and connectivity ...
A universal hunger for staying connected at all times, is driving innovation in on-board connectivity, as satellite operators and service providers come up with affordable solutions. Airlines are queuing up ...