Broadcast Solutions will introduce the all-in-one live production systems manufacturer Simplylive to the Asian market for the first time.
Broadcast Solutions will introduce the all-in-one live production systems manufacturer Simplylive to the Asian market for the first time. Simplylive solutions reportedly disrupt the live production business by combining innovative and easy-to-use control functions with live production systems. The all-in-one live production system ViBox simplifies the learning curve with smart touchscreen UIs to allow the focus on the editorial for the highest production value, the release stated.
Broadcast Solutions will showcase Mobile Viewpoint that offers portable and fixed encoding devices to enable fast and reliable video contribution with just a click of a button, the company claims.
Visitors can also learn about Broadcast Solutions MANet solution, which combines video-, audio- and IP-traffic in one transmission system. MANet is a terrestrial microwave based solution that is using radios to create mesh networks. Used mainly in the defence and law enforcement business, this technology makes its way into the broadcast market.