Abu Dhabi Film Festival has announced the full line-up of films featuring in its seventh edition, which runs from October 24 to November 2, 2013. The festival will showcase 94 feature length films and 72 short films from 51 countries, opening with a Gala screening of Life of Crime (USA) directed by Daniel Schechter. Ali Al […]
Abu Dhabi Film Festival has announced the full line-up of films featuring in its seventh edition, which runs from October 24 to November 2, 2013.
The festival will showcase 94 feature length films and 72 short films from 51 countries, opening with a Gala screening of Life of Crime (USA) directed by Daniel Schechter.
Ali Al Jabri, Director of the Abu Dhabi Film Festival said: “I hope Abu Dhabi is as excited by this years festival line-up as I am. We have secured films that are delighting audiences and making waves around the world. It is a heady and stimulating mix of the best of international and Arab cinema, with something for young and old. Theres entertainment for the family, as well as more challenging films for cinema buffs and arm-chair critics. Once again we will be joined by a host of Emirati and international guests, who will bring all the glamour of the silver screen to our city. Its only three weeks away, so start planning your visit now.”
Palestinian actress Hiam Abbass will be awarded the prestigious Black Pearl Career Achievement Award.
This year, the festival will introduce a new award category recognising films which deal with the subject of child protection, thanks to the support of the Ministry of Interiors Child Protection Centre which works to ensure safety and security of children. Best Film and Best Screenplay awards will be presented in recognition of the cinema sectors efforts and contributions in the areas of child protection and childrens rights. The awards acknowledge the influential role of the film industry in raising awareness of these issues.