MBC4 has aired the first episode of the latest addition to its portfolio of Turkish drama series, Fatima. Dubbed in Arabic, the drama series made its debut on Saturday February 25 at 18:00 GMT (21:00 KSA) and joins other hit shows such as Nesaa Haerat and Ughniyat Hob, among others. The show is the adaptation […]
MBC4 has aired the first episode of the latest addition to its portfolio of Turkish drama series, Fatima.
Dubbed in Arabic, the drama series made its debut on Saturday February 25 at 18:00 GMT (21:00 KSA) and joins other hit shows such as Nesaa Haerat and Ughniyat Hob, among others.
The show is the adaptation of Vedat Turkalis novel of 1986 which portrays the irony of how fine a line is, between love and hate. Fatima will explore a dramatic story of a beautiful and naïve girl, played by Beren Saat, commonly known as Samar, who lives in Cesme (a touristic place in Western Turkey). However, an unforgettable tragedy transforms Fatimas life so radically overnight and puts her future at stake. The incidents leave Fatima in the despair of her present and the ambiguity of her future.
Saat shot to regional fame following her tremendous success in the Turkish Classic hit series, Forbidden Love.
Saat is joined by cast members Firat Celik as Mustafa, Fatimas fiancé and Engin Akyurek as Kerim, who Fatima is forced to marry post-tragedy.