The animation series, ZAFARI, celebrates differences and will air on Spacetoon TV on Sundays and Tuesdays in KSA at 13:30pm.
In keeping with the theme of the Year of Tolerance, Spacetoon TV recently premiered ZAFARI, an 11-minute CG animated series for children with messages around celebrating differences. The series has been made using Unreal Engine, which is largely used to render video games.
Speaking about the animation series, Fayez Al Sabbagh, the President of Spacetoon Group said: We believe that this year is the perfect year to broadcast ZAFARI as we sensed a strong bond between the moral of the series and the theme of the year of tolerance in UAE. Weve chosen to join forces to promote the nations vision of prosperity and stability in the region.
The show ZAFARI will air on Sundays and Tuesdays at 13:30 KSA on Spacetoon TV. The creative team working on the show includes members who have worked for movies like Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Mission: Impossible, X-men, and others in the past.
The show was awarded the Best Animated Work of the Year by BroadcastProME last year.